ABB Distribution Solutions is a technology leader in electric power distribution. We improve electric power quality and reliability while strengthening grid resilience through automation. We are a silent enabler of the worldwide energy transition, providing a range of products and services including sensors, protection, communication and renewable energy integration for smart grids.
The challenge
The electrical grid delivers power to millions worldwide. With the shift to clean, renewable and nuclear energy, there's a pressing need to fundamentally change grid management. We need to make the grid more resilient. This requires innovative fault management and handling of intermittent power generation, focusing on agile substations. Among other things, these substations must swiftly identify and fix faults, adjust voltage levels and loads in real-time, and manage fluctuating power flows to protect equipment and maintain network stability.
What is the problem we are trying to solve?
To monitor and predict grid stability and take preventive and corrective actions accordingly.
What is the solution to develop?
- We are seeking innovative new software applications for adaptive settings and network state estimation. The solutions must be available as Edge containers and also hybrid (private or public) cloud solutions.
- The software should support features such as: power quality control, fault detection and localization, integration and management of distributed energy resources (DER), and optimal grid operations. The dashboard and control system should also be integrated under the same platform.
- The solution should use existing available data as well as different sources but not necessarily time synchronized.
- The winning candidates should offer prototyping and piloting stage software (cloud or on premises) and avoid any installation of additional proprietary recording devices.
What is the impact of the solution on our business and/or customers?
We are looking for an AI-based solution from grid stability to end user satisfaction. These include:
- Delivering cost savings
- Improving safety for grid maintenance and operations
- Accelerating progress toward net zero through digitalization
- Generating higher data quality while reducing communication and storage costs
- Improving end user satisfaction through more affordable electricity prices, a more reliable grid and the ability to self-generate power.
Key technologies and applications addressed in this challenge
- Data analytics platforms, machine learning algorithms
- State estimation algorithms and optimization techniques
- DER management platforms
- Cloud infrastructure and services
- Cybersecurity protocols and solutions
- Automated demand response systems
- Grid Edge technology, containers and virtual machines remote management and deployment
- 61850 standards, sampled-values, digital substations
Focus segments
- Substations
Additional information and links
- Introducing ADAM – fleet management for protection and control devices
- Smart substation control and protection SSC600
- Smart substation control and protection SSC600 SW
Winners earn 
- Opportunity to show and share the solution in a pilot or customer test case
- Access to lab environments we jointly use with customers, allowing ABB customers to actively experience the solution and share their feedback
- $30,000 to collaborate and develop the solution with ABB
- 6-month free SynerLeap membership – ABB’s startup accelerator – that will boost your growth and visibility across ABB, our partners and customers (value $10,000)
- Exclusive mentoring sessions with Microsoft startup advisors
Ready to power progress together?
Download the ABB application PowerPoint template for the ABB Smart Power 2024 Challenge.
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