ABB Drive Products is a global technology leader serving industries, infrastructure and machine builders with world-class drives, PLCs and drive-motor packages. We help our customers, partners and equipment manufacturers improve their energy efficiency, asset reliability, productivity, safety and performance.
The challenge
What is the problem we are trying to solve?
Make the machine building process easier and more dynamic by enhancing the selection, engineering, and commissioning experience of the machine builders, during a specific machine design phase or throughout the whole design journey
What is the solution to develop?
- Create an Artificial Intelligence (AI) -based, easy-to-use online solution that correctly guides and assists the machine builder to select, engineer and commission ABB variable speed drives, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and other devices for the machine that they are building.
- The solution is built based on ABB’s domain expertise and data.
- It helps machine builders use data and domain expertise collected from ABB.
What is the impact of the solution on our business and/or customers?
Using the solution should be an enjoyable, educating and efficient machine building experience, no matter the skill level of the machine builder or the requirements set for the application in the building process. Also, it will reduce the risk of choosing wrong devices and eliminate inexact engineering in the different phases of the machine-building process.
Key technologies and applications addressed in the challenge.
- Variable speed drives
- Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
- Other devices such as motors (when applicable)
Focus segments
Same solution can be used in various industry segments when building machines. These industries with related applications include e.g., Food & Beverage, Water, HVAC, Rubber and Plastics, Intralogistics, Textile, Glass Ceramic and Stone, Lumber and Woodwork, Chemical Oil and Gas, Metals, Cement Mining and Minerals, Pulp and Paper, etc.
Additional information and links
Winners earn 
- Opportunity to show and share the solution in a pilot or customer test case
- Access to lab environments we jointly use with customers, allowing ABB customers to actively experience the solution and share their feedback
- $30,000 to collaborate and develop the solution with ABB
- 6-month free SynerLeap membership – ABB’s startup accelerator – that will boost your growth and visibility across ABB, our partners and customers (value $10,000)
- Exclusive mentoring sessions with Microsoft startup advisors
Ready to power progress together?
Download the ABB application PowerPoint template for the ABB Drive Products 2024 Challenge.
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